Chapter 8.  lxml Basics

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What is lxml

The Inkscape SVG files are in xml format. When we write an Inkscape extension, we could write the code to parse the xml, modify the content, and send it back to Inkscape. Or we can use other well designed and tested code for xml parsing and handling. In most cases, reusing existing code is a good thing which saves time. The drawback is that we have to spend time to learn how to use existing code.

The lxml XML toolkit is a Python binding for the C libraries libxml2 and libxslt. It is similar to Python standard library module xml.etree.ElementTree, but it is faster and easier to program. The Inkscape extension developers long recognized the value of lxml python package. The package inkex wraps many functions of lxml so extension developers do not have to deal with lxml directly in most cases.

It is usually enough for Inkscape developers to only work with inkex package. But sometimes we want to use functionality in lxml directly, or try to understand the code in inkex package, so it’s better to know the basics of lxml package.

Module etree

Main features of lxml package are in the etree module. We will discuss several functions and classes in the etree module in this chapter.

Note terms like function, method, or class constructor may not be accurate. They are all callable objects in Python. In this chapter, we simply call them functions or methods.

  • etree.parse
  • etree.ElementTree
  • etree.tostring
  • etree.fromstring
  • etree.Element
  • etree.SubElement
  • etree.XML
  • etree.XMLID

The etree.parse function is the quick way to convert an XML file into an ElementTree object. The function accepts an XML file name (or file object) and an optional parser, and returns an ElementTree instance.

etree.parse(source, parser=None, base_url=None)

Here is a Python interpreter session showing how to load an SVG file.

george@Inspiron-5515:~$ /usr/bin/python3
Python 3.9.5 (default, May 11 2021, 08:20:37) 
[GCC 10.3.0] on linux
>>> from lxml import etree
>>> doc = etree.parse('/home/george/Desktop/drawing-4.svg')
>>> doc
<lxml.etree._ElementTree object at 0x7fcbed555ac0>

>>> doc.getroot()
<Element {}svg at 0x7fcbed555d80>
>>> doc.getroot().tag
>>> etree.__version__

The etree.ElementTree is a wrapper class around the _ElementTree class (which is a C++/C internal class or structure). We can call etree.ElementTree() method to create an empty document. If we pass a file name (or file object), the return value is an ElementTree instance. If we use the element argument, the file argument will be ignored. It returns an ElementTree object based on the Element object.

The etree.tostring function converts an ElementTree or Element object to a string containing the XML content. The etree.fromstring function creates an Element object from a string.

etree.ElementTree(element=None, file=None, parser=None)
etree.tostring(elem_or_tree, pretty_print=False, encoding=None)
etree.fromstring(text, parser=None, base_url=None)

Here is an example testing those three methods.

>>> et = etree.ElementTree(file='/home/george/Desktop/drawing-5.svg')
>>> et
<lxml.etree._ElementTree object at 0x7fcbeadd23c0>
>>> etree.tostring(et)
b'<!-- Created with Inkscape ( --><svg ...'
>>> etree.tostring(et).decode('utf8')
'<!-- Created with Inkscape ( --><svg ...'
>>> ss = etree.tostring(et).decode('utf8')
>>> etree.fromstring(ss)
<Element {}svg at 0x7fcbea9561c0>

The Element constructor creates and returns an object implementing the Element interface. The SubElement method creates a new Element object, and adds it as the next child of its parent element. It also returns the newly created element.

Many old Inkscape extensions use SubElement method to add new elements before version 1.0. The SubElement method has one more argument parent than the Element constructor. The namespace part of XML is a little annoying to type. Here are a few examples.

etree.Element(tag, attrib={}, nsmap=None, **extras)
etree.SubElement(parent, tag, attrib={}, nsmap=None, **extras)
>>> from lxml import etree
>>> rect = etree.Element('rect', x='50', y='50', width='30', height='20')

>>> etree.tostring(rect)
b'<rect x="50" y="50" width="30" height="20"/>'

>>> layer = etree.Element('g', attrib={'inkscape:label':'Layer 1', 
        'inkscape:groupmode': 'layer'})
Traceback (most recent call last): ...
ValueError: Invalid attribute name 'inkscape:label'

>>> INKNS = ''
>>> NSMAP = {'inkscape': INKNS}

>>> layer = etree.Element('g', attrib={'{%s}label' % INKNS :'Layer 1', 
        '{%s}groupmode' % INKNS: 'layer'}, nsmap = NSMAP)

>>> etree.tostring(layer)
b'<g xmlns:inkscape="" 
        inkscape:label="Layer 1" inkscape:groupmode="layer"/>'

>>> layer.append(rect)
>>> etree.tostring(layer)
b'<g xmlns:inkscape="" 
        inkscape:label="Layer 1" inkscape:groupmode="layer">
            <rect x="50" y="50" width="30" height="20"/></g>'

>>> etree.SubElement(layer, 'rect', 
        attrib={'x': '100', 'y': '100', 'width': '50', 'height': '40'})
<Element rect at 0x7ff619336740>
>>> etree.tostring(layer)
b'<g xmlns:inkscape="" 
    inkscape:label="Layer 1" inkscape:groupmode="layer">
        <rect x="50" y="50" width="30" height="20"/>
        <rect x="100" y="100" width="50" height="40"/></g>'

The etree.XML function parses an XML document or fragment from a string and returns the root Element node. It is similar to the fromstring method.

The etree.XMLID function parses the text and returns a tuple (root_node, id_dict). The root_node is the same value returned by the etree.XML function. The id_dict contains id-element pairs. The dictionary keys are the id attributes of all elements, and the values are the elements referenced by the id attributes. We could design an SVG file and assign an id for each element, load the file with etree.XMLID function, and access element via the id attribute.

etree.XML(text, parser=None, base_url=None)
etree.XMLID(text, parser=None, base_url=None)

Element Class

The Element object represents a node in the XML tree. It defines many instance methods and properties. This webpage lists the Element class API.

The notable Element class properties are tag and attrib. The tag is the element tag name and attrib is the element attribute dictionary.

>>> el = etree.fromstring('<rect x="50" y="50" width="30" height="20"/>')
>>> el
<Element rect at 0x7f4b489aab40>
>>> el.tag
>>> el.attrib
{'x': '50', 'y': '50', 'width': '30', 'height': '20'}

The Element instance acts like a Python list, with nested elements acting as members of the list. We can loop through an Element object, and it also supports slice operation.

>>> ss = '''<g xmlns:inkscape="" 
...     inkscape:label="Layer 1" inkscape:groupmode="layer">
...         <rect x="50" y="50" width="30" height="20"/>
...         <rect x="100" y="100" width="50" height="40"/>
...    <g> 
...        <line x1="10" y1="10" x2="40" y2="40"/>
...        <rect x="10" y="10" width="30" height="20"/>  
...    </g>     
... </g>'''
>>> et = etree.fromstring(ss)
>>> et
<Element g at 0x7ff52fe4c180>
>>> et.tag
>>> for e in et:
...   print(e.tag)
>>> et[0:2]
[<Element rect at 0x7ff532a4ab80>, <Element rect at 0x7ff52fe50140>]

The get and set methods retrieves and assigns an attribute value, respectively. The class also has append and insert methods like a list. The remove method deletes an element child, and clear method removes all its child elements and attributes.

>>> et.get('{}label')
'Layer 1'
>>> et.set('id', 'g123252')
>>> et.get('id')

>>> r = etree.fromstring('<rect x="0" y="0" width="1" height="1"/>')
>>> et.append(r)
>>> [e.tag for e in et]
['rect', 'rect', 'g', 'rect']

>>> cir = etree.fromstring('<circle cx="10" cy="10" r="10" />')
>>> et.insert(0, cir)
>>> [e.tag for e in et]
['circle', 'rect', 'rect', 'g', 'rect']

>>> et.remove(cir)
>>> [e.tag for e in et]
['rect', 'rect', 'g', 'rect']

>>> import copy
>>> et_copy = copy.deepcopy(et)
>>> et_copy.clear()
>>> [e.tag for e in et_copy]
>>> et_copy.tag
>>> et_copy.attrib

The getchildren method returns a list of element children. The getiterator method walks a subtree and looks for all descendants, and it also accepts a tag argument to look for a specific type of elements. The getroottree method return an ElementTree object which contains Element instance. It also has a getparent method which returns the parent element.

>> del et[-1]
>>> [e.tag for e in et ]
['circle', 'rect', 'rect', 'g']
>>> [e.tag for e in et.getchildren() ]
['circle', 'rect', 'rect', 'g']
>>> [e.tag for e in et.getiterator() ]
['g', 'circle', 'rect', 'rect', 'g', 'line', 'rect']
>>> [e.tag for e in et.getiterator(tag='rect') ]
['rect', 'rect', 'rect']

>>> tree = e.getroottree()
>>> tree
<lxml.etree._ElementTree object at 0x7ff52f59c740>

>>> et[-1]
<Element g at 0x7ff52f59a4c0>
>>> et[-1].getparent()
<Element g at 0x7ff52fe4c180>

The find method searches for element children and returns a single element that matches the pattern of its path argument. The path argument is a string describing the element for which we are searching. The values are in a format like rect or g/rect. The findall method is similar to find, and it returns a list of child elements that match the pattern. But it does not search nested elements inside children.

>>> r1 = et.find('rect')
>>> r1.attrib
{'x': '50', 'y': '50', 'width': '30', 'height': '20'}

>>> r2 = et.find('g/rect')
>>> r2.attrib
{'x': '10', 'y': '10', 'width': '30', 'height': '20'}

>>> r3 = et.findall('rect')
>>> r3
[<Element rect at 0x7ff52f59ca80>, <Element rect at 0x7ff52f59cbc0>]

The xpath is the most complicated method in Element class, and it supports XPath search language. The XPath expressions support tests, operators, and functions. It works like findall in its simple form. Here are some of its common operators.

  • / searches for child element starting from itself
  • // searches for itself and its descendant.
  • e1|e2 combines the elements that matches e1 and e2.
  • @attribute returns attribute values
  • e1[@attr=value] elements with attribute value
  • * wildcard matches all element or all attributes
>>> et.xpath('rect')
[<Element rect at 0x7ff52f59ca80>, <Element rect at 0x7ff52f59cbc0>]

>>> et.xpath('/g')
[<Element g at 0x7ff52fe4c180>]
>>> et.xpath('/g/rect')
[<Element rect at 0x7ff52f59ca80>, <Element rect at 0x7ff52f59cbc0>]

>>> x1 = et.xpath('//rect')
>>> [x.tag for x in x1]
['rect', 'rect', 'rect']

>>> x2 = et.xpath('//rect|//g')
>>> [x.tag for x in x2]
['g', 'rect', 'rect', 'g', 'rect']

>>> x3 = et.xpath('//@width')
>>> x3
['30', '50', '30']
>>> et.xpath('//rect[@width=50]')
[<Element rect at 0x7ff52f59cbc0>]

>>> et.xpath('//@x')
['50', '100', '10']
>>> et.xpath('//rect[@x>10]')
[<Element rect at 0x7ff52f59ca80>, <Element rect at 0x7ff52f59cbc0>]

>>> et.xpath('/g/rect[position()=1]')  # position is a function
[<Element rect at 0x7ff52f59ca80>]

>>> x4 = et.xpath('//*')
>>> [x.tag for x in x4]
['g', 'circle', 'rect', 'rect', 'g', 'line', 'rect']

>>> et.xpath('//line/@*')
['10', '10', '40', '40']

Below is a function find_or_create_layer that calls the xpath method. The function searches existing layer names and returns the layer if it finds one, otherwise it creates a new layer and returns it. The function also shows how to deal with XML namespaces when we are working with lxml.

def find_or_create_layer(svg, name):
    # find an existing layer or create a new layer
    # need import inkex at the beginning of the module
    layer_name = 'Layer %s' % name
    path = '//svg:g[@inkscape:label="%s"]' % layer_name
    elements = svg.xpath(path, namespaces=inkex.NSS)
    if elements:
        layer = elements[0]
        layer = inkex.etree.SubElement(svg, 'g')
        layer.set(inkex.addNS('label', 'inkscape'), layer_name)
        layer.set(inkex.addNS('groupmode', 'inkscape'), 'layer')
    return layer

ElementTree Class

Most ElementTree class methods have the same function as in Element class. The notable methods are getroot and write. The getroot method returns the root element, and it’s the opposite of getroottree method of Element class. The write method serializes the ElementTree object back to XML file.

>>> r = tree.getroot()
>>> r
<Element g at 0x7ff52fe4c180>
>>> tree.write('/home/george/Desktop/temp.svg')


Module lxml.etree official reference

Python Standard Library Module ElementTree